FAQ's… Getting Started

I have heard all the good things about Moringa, how much should I take?
Generally, 2-3 grams per day, or 4 capsules are recommended

Why the capsule?
This is purely for your convenience. The dry leaf and seed powders do not taste great so we pack them into vegan cellulose capsules that can be easily consumed as part of your daily routine. A leaf powder is available to add to smoothies and cooking.

Should I be taking leaf or seed?
Our flagship product includes both. We offer the benefits of both and recommend 3 green leaf and 1 brown seed capsule per day

What about my kids?
Moringa is great for children, provided they are happy swallowing a capsule. You could take the powder out and add it to cereals or smoothies. The rule of thumb for intake is simple; work on 30mg per kg of body weight. Since each capsule contains 500mg, a big 100 kg man or athlete should take 6 capsules, and an adolescent or small 50 kg woman should take 3, hence the average recommendation of 4 per day.

Can I overdose?
You will be hard-pressed to do so – trials indicate toxicity at 300x the normal dose. Double-dosing would have no effects other than possible diarrhea.

Can I go straight on to 4 caps per day?
Yes. If, however, you have a sensitive gut or suffer from IBS or gastric reflux, start 1:1 until you see no negative side effects, then increase 2:1 and so on. Moringa stabilizes gut flora, so an initial loose bowel is a positive sign.

How and when should I take my capsules?
Anytime, and how you spread them out does not matter. Generally, the morning is better and suits most routines. Take with water, and before food if you want to prevent any taste in your mouth after the capsule dissolves.

What will I feel and how quickly will I see benefits?
Initially you will feel no direct changes except maybe an improved relationship with your bowel. With time the subtle changes in wellbeing and energy levels will show, but this will depend on the multitude of factors that make up your specific being. As the many nutrients begin to play a positive role, so you will feel the associated changes.

Will I see improvements in chronic conditions like arthritis?
Most definitely. There are positive responses to inflammation-induced ailments. Most modern ‘metabolic’ diseases including Hypertension, high Cholesterol, high Blood Glucose, most Cancers and many more, stem from acute inflammation turned chronic. It is imperative that you give the Moringa time to have an effect and avoid stopping and starting. We also offer a product with extra seed capsules for chronic conditions

I have heard Moringa is an Immune System booster; is this so?
Yes, one of the best due to the many nutrients and active compounds both in the leaf and seed. Moringa is rich in Vitamins A, C, E and B-Group, Minerals including Fe, Mg and Zn, Essential Amino Acids and Omega-3 Fatty Acids. The antioxidants and polyphenols complete the list.

Does Moringa clash with any prescription medication?
Generally, Moringa is well tolerated. The blood stabilizing effects are possibly counteractive to the action of blood-thinning medication; avoid Moringa if you are taking Warfarin-type drugs. Monitor Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar if you take medication for these making sure levels do not drop too low. There are compounds in Moringa bark and root not recommended during pregnancy; to be sure, avoid Moringa during early pregnancy. Do not change any medication and If you have any concern regarding prescription medication consult your Dietician or Healthcare Practitioner.

Is Moringa considered medication?
Moringa is a plant food. Despite the known pharmacological actions, it is not evaluated by the SAHPRA as a treatment, cure, or preventative agent against any disease and is not sold as such.